Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our Youngest competitor skiing at the Port of Echuca

This morning - the 2008 Club Marine Southern 80 was highlighted in the 6.30am weather report on the Today show on Channel Nine.

Four of our competitors braved the chilly waters to have a run in front of the Port of Echuca (a 8 knot zone for which we were given special persmission to ski on for the cameras).

Here is a photo of our youngest competitor - Dani Altham who turned 5 today (Happy Birthday Dani) skiing behind the Family boat Riverside Marine.

Special thanks to the teams of

Sonic - Corrine Donald

Riverside Marine - Dani Altham - the youngest competitor at the 2008 Club Marine Southern 80

Vulture - Bob Jefferson - the oldest competitor at the 2008 Club Marine Southern 80

Simply Senile - Jason McKenzie
For getting up and on the water at 6am.
Special Thanks to Maritime NSW for their support in allowing us to ski down the river.

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