Monday, October 22, 2007

Update to web page of photos from the BB

Recived some photos taken of the crowd at the Barrie Beehag - so they can now be accessed at the

Don't forget that there are hundreds of photos available at RMI Images from the event

Saturday, October 13, 2007

well the race is over

Congratulations to Hellrazor on winning another Barrie Beehag in a record time of 23:23.15.

It was great to see the crowds on the banks of the river at Deep Creek and along the river enjoying the racing.

I hear (but did not see) the mankinis on display - can't wait for the photos.

Great to see many records smashed - congrats to Sportspage, BL Marine, Petty Cash & Ace Racing (all in MOC). SMOC Kaned it and Stalker broke records. Breakaway was the record holder.

Well time to sit down for a meal.

Thanks to the competitors for a great days racing

PS I think I might have to revisit the average KMS per hour - I think I got them wrong, but will do tomorrow.

Julie Golledge

Friday, October 12, 2007

It's Time

Well the time has finally arrived, the count down to the Barrie Beehag ski race is on! I've spent today, Friday, Answering calls from skiers trying to find a tow! Quite a few calls asking is the race on? Yes! it is, what do you think i've been working towards for the last 8 weeks!! And putting together my mobile office to move to a houseboat for the day! Have a great day everyone, safe racing!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Only 3 1/2 Days to go

Well everyone, the time has arrived, the Barrie Beehag Ski Race is only 3 !/2 days away. I'm now getting the calls from crews frantically trying to find Skiers or Observers. Plus the calls from disappointed crews whose boats are not ready to go or broke down at the point score on the weekend.
Programs are now out in the Newsagents and everyone should now have their race numbers.

Friday, October 5, 2007

1 week 2 go

Numbers went out in the mail this week.

Thanks to those who read their briefing sheet & found the errors. A new briefing sheet should be in the mail on Monday.

There are still about 120 people that haven't paid their SRA memberships, hopefully they will be paid up by Monday.

Yesterday we had fun packing all the showbags for the kids to purchase at the Barrie Beehag. Great value for $5.

Thats all for now Betty.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Processing Race Numbers

Well today is the day!

I'm taking a break from folding and stuffing envelopes to notify teams of their race numbers. Boy it can be tiring - as many members still don't seem to be members of SRA yet! Hopefully they will not be ringing SRA the week of the race, to pay their memberships!!!

So in the snail mail tomorrow your race numbers should arrive (depending on Australia Post).
We have not done email notifications this time, as many team captains did not provide their email addresses.

Till another day
