Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well time is running out and the Southern 80 weekend is only a bit over a week away. The team captain of those who have been picked to attend scrutineering will have received a text re this yesterday and an email.!!!!!
Well this is providing you have supplied SRA a current Mobile and Email address.(Amazing how many emails bounce back, check your stuff when it comes back from SRA & let them know when somethings not right. Otherwise you don't get the important stuff sent to you!)
There is some concerns in the Scrutineering camp within SRA re the random scrutineering and the number to do. So be Prepared for a few more to get informed that they have to attend as well.
The list of entries that are NOT COMPLETE DUE TO OUTSTANDING PAPERWORK WITH SRA is huge!!!! ****Remember all info must be to SRA 5 days before an event or you will not be current.
AS well as we have notified many team captains via either the return email when your entry was processed or the actual paper copy in the mail, of Boat rego's and Drivers Maritime Licences that have or will expire before the race and need to sent a copy of new one to SRA.
If at Briefing/Scrutineering when you come to collect your paperwork and this isn't fixed-NO Race!!! All information must be up to date!

On a More interesting note, the MWSC office was contacted yesterday by DPI with regards to locusts in the area. For those who haven't been up our way over Xmas we have had Locusts travelling all over the area and there is now a concern that we will have them moving around our area over the race weekend. We will be updating the website with an info sheet from DPI as well as placing this sheet in the Competitiors pack. Main concern, all Drivers and SKiers need to wear goggles!!!! More info on this at a later date.

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