Sunday, February 1, 2009

5 Days to Go

Well it's countdown time now, only 5 days to go and it'll be all happening here at the Southern 80 office.
I've just updated the latest email of info from SRA and my list of
'Incomplete entries' is still massive! If you haven't finalised all your stuff with SRA, get onto it today coz You are Basically too late already!
To those who have done the right thing and got their 'Act together' and got their entries completed, you'll be cruzin' through at Briefing/Paperwork collection time, while the others will be in the long Que Waiting, waiting waiting!!
Some things to remember, it's been VERY VERY VERY Hot here and looks like still being like that over the weekend.
Bring extra sunscreen and water.
Also as people can get a bit Frazzled when it's so hot, so Please bring your Good Manners, patience and common courtesy along as well.

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