Friday, February 6, 2009


Well here we are, Friday morning of the 2009 Club Marine Southern 80 and it's going to be BIG.
WE have Big entry numbers, BIG number of Boats, BIG number of people and BIG BIG BIG Weather temperature forecasts.
With the forecast for Saturday to be around 47 and Strong winds, A bit like the Thursday at the Aussie Titles, I would like to ask that you all take care, drink lots to hydrate, use a good sunscreen, look out for each other and try to find a shady spot. BUT PLEASE.don't swim in the river during the race, it's TOO dangerous for the competitors!~
I would also like to ask that if you see any of the Moama Water Sports Club Committee over the weekend, take the time to Say 'Thanks' to them for putting on such a great event for you all. they all are volunteers and have given up many, many hours over the past few weeks to get this together and once you've gone home, they still have many more hours left working to clean up and Debrief with all the Emergency personnel etc.

Hope you all have a very successful weekend and travel safe over the weekend.

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